So these days the state is out of good graphic designers like my son Thabani Mpofu. Some may not know his name but may remember him until the Pious Ncube graphics come to discussion.
I am referring to this issue because the besides the daring statement by the Minister of Information Monica Mutsvangwa on Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference statement would have been supported by some graphics in the state run newspapers and this time purporting that the men of the cloth is gay. Phew, sometimes I really wonder!
Ohh shit, now bitterness has made me forget to send salutations AGAIN! Anyway, you know Comrade Tichatonga is a people’s person. ‘Ndokudai mese’ my late friend Daiton Somanje would. Revolutionary greetings!
My ancestors this week came to my dreams and gave me a new totem. They say ndakuera nhema and they reiterated that the time I lie my teeth will decay. So the truth will always be my game; speaking truth to power instead and my message today is in solidarity with Catholic Bishops.
Hey wena, hands off men of the cloth (in Van Choga’s facila expressions)!
If we are to be honest though Comrades, how can only Zanu PF be the sole voice to say things are well when human rights are being jeopadised everyday.
Tell me something; what’s so unique about this bunch of ‘thieves’ to speak against what have been confessed by AU, SADC, ANC, EFF, Khama the list is endless comrades. Ivo voga voti zvakanaka? Zvimwe muti munotamba vakomana!
Tell me; for how long are we going to hide from the truth vakomana.
Until when are we going to experience shock appointments? Soda Zhemu; say it loud and listen to yourself Soda Zhemu! Haaa pidigu dhiii. Anyway, I don’t want to judge the book by its title.
My issue though is what had Chasi done wrong? So I have asked my neighbors kuno kwedu kudumpsite kwatinogara kuti kudzinga Gata kukanganisa here and the answer was aiwa haana kukanganisa. I also asked kuti improving service provision by lessening load shedding kukanganisa here again the answer was aiwa haana kukanganisa. Maybe if I would Call Comrade Chinx he would help me interrogate more into the Chasi sacking issue.
Will the shake-shake building decisions benefit the general populace even one day?
I don’t mean to create ethnic divisions but I wish to ask if Lobengula deserves a place in the nations’ history just like Nehanda Nyakasikana? Hameno, ndangofungawo unity accord.
My fellow countrymen listen and remember idioms our ancestors used to tell like; avhunduka chati kwatara when critically looking into government response to the report by Bishops.
Back home, kwedu kuMidlands kwatiri kutongera nyika they abducted Tamuka Denhere and later arrest her wife for reporting abduction. This is clear madness Comrades but surely ‘God is in it’. Kkk how I miss that adage from my young Nero!
Am also told the courts said Khupe ane masimba ekukupira maMP aasingadi out of parliament. Well, the courts have spoken but by election irikuuya. I want to see anodya Chibaya paMkoba apo. I also want to see if it’s either the courts or the people who will cast the votes. Gore rino hahaha!
Anyway, am not surprised because the country ikutongwa nemabhoyi. Mabhoyi not in the sense of race but age! These guys are surely not mature and I will explain the term mabhoyi from its roots in the colonisation era.
Back then, one of the most lucrative job for blacks was being a spanner boy. The white mechanic would always refer to the full grown men as spanner ‘boys’ yet they were men with families. It is from this attitude that black men would always be called boys (mabhoyi) even when their hair turned grey above and below. So imagine nyika ikutongwa nemabhoyi kkk.
It’s only a country being run by spanner boys that the voice of reason is threatened but it shall be well Bra Hope. It is only a country run by spanner boys where practicing your democracy is criminalised but it shall be well Bra Jacob.
It is also in a country run by spanner boys where singing at a funeral is criminalised but it shall be well Bra Kura. It is also in a nation run by spanner boys that you see evilness in words of truth from the men of cloth and not see evilness in lost generations but shoko harivhikwi, the word did reach the intended audience by dear Bishops!
Hold fast my fellow Zimbabweans, our revolutionary gains will come to fruition. Tererai ini the biggest o’vet.
I still feel like talking but for now, let me go shush lest I will be accused of yep-yep.
Before I go, greetings to my son Selipiwe. Yes, the GRRA President cum Director is my son. Chakapotsa hondo but am sure this guy would have braved the war. We are yet to see much from him but for now, madzimai ngaawane mvura kuMkoba uko my son. Ndatopedza so!
Till next time folks, listen to yourself intently, join the voice, and add yours.
Off to the Officer’s Mess kwatomwa hunotonhorera supported by macimbi, pork bones and sadza.
Adious amigos.
Cde Tichatonga.