Home OpinionComrade Tichatonga Lest we forget those who are turning in their graves!

Lest we forget those who are turning in their graves!

by commuadmin

May-day, may-day; roja down I repeat, roja down! One man gone, Perrence ‘Gudoguru’ Shiri is down ova!

I just imagine Shiri’s death being communicated via radio back in the war. Yes, the big chefs’ death would be communicated through radio back in the liberation war.

The former military chef death was however surrounded by controversy as some said he died from poisoning whereas government through chedu chikomana Nick said he succumbed to a new type of COVID-19 that affected only him until today.

The masses, while some recalled how he stood in-front of the line during the war amid being the leader, some remembered him for the ruthless Gukurahundi atrocities. Alas, nematambudziko!

Condolence messages also go to the Matambanadzo family. Remember ‘Blackman’, the one who had his supporters carry him on shoulders in celebration to his election victory. The man who beat Dambudzo’s problem Blessing Chebundo in a clean election contest. The grade two graduate who impacted lives in positive ways. May his dear soul rest in peace!

Ko tichamhoresana here naidzo dzinofizura idzi? Anyway, revolutionary greetings from your one and only Comrade Tichatonga, the liberator who speaks truth to power! Yes, only the truth shall set you free.

The truth today is that heroes we are celebrating this week are turning in their graves and above all my old pal Tongai Muzenda has been coming in my dreams reciting his poem ‘O Nehanda Nyakasikana’.

The lines being said loud and clear say, “Kunozove riinio isu vanyai tichitambudzika. Mweya unoera, kuchazove riniko isu vanyai tichidzvinyirirwa. Ko inga taneta wani kunwa misodzi…” echoed the sound.

Mudzimba dzose numumatare mose vari kutandwa pamwe nekurohwa; munzvimbo dzose nomumatare mose avanotongerwa varikungouraiwa senhunzi, pasina chikonzero pasina mhosva,” further echoed his voice.

My dreams Comrades, is there a Joseph from my audiences to interpret my dreams and share the message being relayed by the dead in my dreams. A disclaimer though; I am neither a prophet nor prophet’s son and I am neither an activist nor activist’s son.

After seeing the continued incarceration of Hopwell Chin’ono for exposing corruption in government; Jacob Ngarivhume for organising the most successful and peaceful demonstration and Godfrey Kurauone for singing at a funeral, one is left wondering.

On the other hand thieves like Dj Biscuit never spent such time behind bars and the Chinese guy who shot our brother Tachiona for demanding his dues was sneaked out of jail by the Masvingo High Court for attempted murder. Protecting those who destroy your own while troubling those defending revolutionary gains!

Iwo mapurisa epa Mkoba 1 Gweru ndiwo amwe ane mamhepo, shuwa detaining troubled souls for seeking water at a station. Mukati dzakakwana?

Comrades ndizvo here zvatakaendera kuhondo izvi? Iwo masoja acho are they still being taught the ways as we used to do back in the liberation struggle?

The motivational songs we used to sing!

Kune nzira dzemasoja, dzekuzvibata nadzo; tererai midzimu yenyu yose enzira dzakanaka. Tisatore zvinhu zvemass yedu; bhadharai zvamunotenga, dzoserai zvamunenge matore. “Taurai zvine sika kuti mass inzwisise kunaka kwakaita musangano.Tisaite choupombwe muhondo yechimurenga.”
This one ‘Nzira Dzemasoja‘ used to whip me back into direction Comrades, even today it still guides me. Today it’s all a different thing. I think they should hire more instructors like me to train these ama 90’s how to treat the masses!

The nation is in the wolves’ hands I suppose!

As the nation burns, Ngwena goes on television to tell masses we will flush out rogue elements. How does that make our situation correct? Zvimwemuti munotamba vakomana!

A gentle reminder, the dead are turning n their graves!

Back home, kwedu kuMidlands watikutongera nyika, am told ZAAC is set to descend on Gweru City Council. Toda kumboonawo mazino ayo after setting aside may other corruption cases including that of Chombo, the ‘Queen B’ of underhand deals in Zimbabwe.

Ko Mabhemadanda haasati avewo neCOVID-19 here Comrades. Please test him and send me the results ASAP!

Anyway, today I will be quick to pen off until I get a good safe house to write from. Zvangu zvekunyorera pasi pemuti kwedu kudumpsite kuno is no longer safe after people were arrested for calling off corruption. Ko kuzoti isu tinonyora iyo Ngwena. Kkkk kuseka kwepa WhatsApp!

Those looking for me don’t call me. I am having a group call to God along with Jah Master and Prophet Madungwe so don’t disturb. Our message is clear though, we are seeking him to rage warfare, not the one involving guns and exchange of fists but a spiritual warfare rather.

Till next time folks, listen to yourself intently, join the voice, and add yours.

Off to the Officer’s Mess kwatomwa hunotonhorera supported by macimbi, pork bones and sadza.

Adious amigos.

Cde Tichatonga.


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