Home Editors' Pick Regina buried in the center of killer hubby’s homestead

Regina buried in the center of killer hubby’s homestead

by commuadmin

Evidence Chipadza

ZAKA: In a rather bizarre development to the Mvuma murder, the now-deceased Regina Khumbula’s family proceeded to Rameck Batirai’s rural home in Zaka where they buried their murdered relative in the middle of the accused’s homestead.

The move was in protest of lack of assistance and cooperation from the Batirai family following the murder of Regina, CommuTalk was informed through Maria Masomere who stood in as Khumbula family representative.

She was buried on Sunday.

“It is sad that our relative was brutally murdered and as if that was not enough, the Batirai family denied neither negotiating with us how the issue was to be handled nor did they assist in any burial arrangement.

“The decision to bury our relative on the homesteads yard came as the family even tried to refrain us from burying Regina in her husband’s rural home. Police had to intervene as they had connived with the village head to block us. What we know however is that the spirit of the dead does not rest until it is appeased so they will be looking for us in the near future,” said Masomere.

In African tradition, if a family member is involved in a murder case, the whole family is cursed by the spirit of the departed, referred to as Ngozi, until it is appeased.

A classic scenario where Ngozi took a toll in the Midlands was in 2011 when a Gokwe man, Moses Chokuda an MDC Alliance activist got murdered. His spirit supposedly tormented the family of his killers for two years and only came to halt after it was appeased.

The Batirai family was however not available for comment to give their side of the story.

CommuTalk is however told that baby Rameck is under the care of Regina’s cousin in Marondera as the Batirai family also reportedly refused to take care of him.

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1 comment

Sitshengisiwe kalenge October 5, 2021 - 4:14 pm

We say enough is enough we demand justice to all of them


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