CommuTalk Reporter
GOKWE: The ease of COVID 19 restrictions by the government has witnessed the Gokwe community under chief Chireya regrouping for the traditional rain-making ceremony ‘Mukwerera’, a traditional ritual of asking for good rains to the ancestors amid calls for communities to honor tradition.
The ceremony was punctuated by song and dance coupled with the drinking of traditional brew as the community gathered to appease the spirits of the ancestors to help in the opening of the heavens ahead of the rainy season.
The traditional leadership in the area says the long-cherished ritual is important in ensuring that people in the arid area receive enough rains to help in making the upcoming agricultural season a success.
“We are witnessing unprecedented levels of immorality amongst youths of today. What has happened to honor our tradition? You hear people crying that rains have become scarce.
“What do you expect when you find pride in showing the world your naked body. We are here to also inculcate a sense of pride and dignity in the community. We come before you our forefathers to help in restoring the traditional ways of doing things in society,” Chief Chireya told a gathering at the ceremony.
Gokwe Chireya legislator, Torerayi Moyo also chipped in and called for society to respect traditional leadership and culture.
“Our failure to follow traditional ways can only lead to moral decadency. We need to start looking at what is destroying us as a people.
“This Mukwerera is a long-cherished way of speaking to our ancestors. It’s a very powerful way of communicating with those who left us and ensuring that we do not anger them in any way as we request for the rains come the rainy season,” said Moyo.
The build-up to the annual festival was punctuated by a soccer tournament which saw six teams competing in an event that was eventually won by Madzivazvido soccer team who were presented with a beast courtesy of Chief Chireya while the runner up was presented with a soccer kit by the local legislator.