Dear Garisanai.
Warm greetings to you from a lively Gweru! It was real swell seeing you over the Robert Mugabe Youth Day holiday and even though the present arrived late, my youthful daughter, Matifadza was very grateful for the birthday present you sent her.
Yesterday l went to Hertfordshire and l am pleased to inform you that there is impressive progress on your house, the builders inform me that by May they should be done roofing.
On my way back l stopped by the shops and bought me-self a Go 5. Kunge Kare Nanhasi. I doubt you get to drink the traditional brew that often in Newcastle. Looks like l am not going to have a sober week. Ahhh kuwana 5 Litres of opaque beer dzapera!? Paripo Garisanai.
Ahhh but then speaking about Go Beer – ummmn l am worried plenty-plenty my guy. Word hitting the streets is that Gweru City Council is now under investigation.
Now, that includes how the buying, selling and contractual agreements between the GCC and the Go Beer folks. My serious worry is that the befuddling stuff might be off our shelves should it be established that there were too many illegalities and irregularities.
Haaa l am at a loss my guy. You know how it is with our low budgets for alcoholic beverages here. We need Go Beer Breweries to keep the lights and the malt going on.
ZveGweru City Council zvaakunyadzisa…and to think that only until the advent of Mayor Chivhoko, Gweru was called the City of Progress!?
Haaa this is shameful to say the very least…and speaking of Chivhoko….l am pretty sure there is going to be a lot of denial of all these allegations.
That there is a destruction of evidence and paper trails whilst the investigations are underway is probably enough evidence for the court of public opinion to pass a guilty verdict.
Or if it not, all expenditure will be defended through policy that is anti-povo. Speaking of policy formulation, do our councillors even know their mandate in council chambers? Kamuvhunzo nhando zvako but I bet you know the answer my brother.
Nevertheless, allow me to recall for you vaCanaan Banana denying charges of sodomy and sexual immorality vachishandisa mavhoko.
Hanzi naSodhindo, “This is a mortuary of pathological lies, a malicious vendetta of character vilification and assassination…” he went on and on!
So you see how far the silent and overt goings on in the corridors of Gweru City Council reach? Temper with everything else maCounvillor but please make sure the proceedings relating to Go Beer are above board.
Before I forget, you should also know that there is a lot of refuse uncollected in suburbs because the refuse truck drivers seem to have a penchant for speeding…thereby defeating the whole purpose of the refuse collection. What has possessed our city when such mediocrity and downright corruption seems to be accepted as the norm?
Infact it would seem to this Joe Ordinary that our councillors and other senior employees are rewarded for the mediocrity. Imagine failing to present anything new towards fundraising for improved service delivery. The worst was to say they will not maintain grave sites because the dead do not pay revenue. Iyavozve, zvimwe muti munotamba vakomana!
How else would onethen justify the purchase of expensive vehicles whilst the roads they are supposed to be used on are pothole ridden, the traffic lights still not working properly, water recirculation system in a shambles.
Asi ahhh, what does Mukanya know? Ask no questions and hear no lies Mukanya.
Bring back the progress in the City of Progress.
Let me see to the Go Five for now Garisanai.
Till next time.
Have a blast.