CommuTalk Reporter
GOKWE – The Gokwe community in Zimbabwe’s Midlands Province has appealed to government for a tertiary institution in a move meant to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of youths.
Vox-pop interviews conducted by CommuTalk established that most youths end up resorting to alcohol and drug abuse soon after graduating from secondary school as their families cannot afford sending the young minds for tertiary education elsewhere.
“The trend we are witnessing here is very worrying. Most of these children passed their ordinary and advanced levels. Problem is most of these communities cannot afford to send their children away for tertiary education.
“It was going to be better if government could consider setting up at least a polytechnic or a vocational training centre at Nembudziya. The children are wasting their talents on beer and drugs due to non activity,” one villager said.
“The money required for one to acquire education outside the district is just too much. From transport to accommodation, most of the children eventually give-up,” another villager added.
A local youth leader, Edmore Mugombi says his office is always inundated with requests for the establishment of a tertiary institution in the area which has led them to engage the responsible authorities.
“We have spokesperson to the district development coordinator of the area to find a lasting solution to the problem. We are experiencing disturbing situations where children are falling pregnant at a very tender age due to non activity. Some child marriages are also being witnessed in the area. We believe the establishment of a tertiary institution could be the missing link we are looking for,” Mugombi said.
The establishment of a tertiary institution in Gokwe could be a step in the right direction in uplifting the livelihoods of community members in line with government’s devolution agenda.